Monday, March 8, 2010

The Inspiration Station Part 1

After hearing this episode for the third time here are some of my thoughts/questions.

I noticed they didn't include the new theme. Maybe we'll hear it in later episodes in this album..I guess.

Andre is a great Whit. He sounds a little different than Paul, but it still works somehow. To me Whits sounds a little older now.

What does the inspiration station do? Connie says she walks around in it, so does that mean it's somewhat similar to the imagination station? Who is Whit's friend that Connie meets in it? It seems after going in there she starts thinking about her pet peeves, but she's not bothered by them. Very intriguing.

Once again in this episode we begin to see more of Eugene's smart side again.

Then it starts having problems, and all the inventions start acting up, like in the applesauce episodes, although Whit says "I've never seen anything like it." At first I thought it was a goof because there was an incident similar to it in the Applesauce and Blackgaard episodes. Then I listened to the episode "The Battle" and I noticed that Whit wasn't in Whits End at the time of the incident in Applesauce or the time in The Battle when Blackgaard hacked the computer.

I like Matthew Parker. He seems like a modern kid that likes our type of technology. Which brings another point. This episode brings Odyssey suddenly to a new age. With all sorts of our technology. DVR, GPS, Laptops, burning DVDs. I like it. Back to Matt. Somewhere someone made a reference to Matt almost like a kid Eugene. Matthew kinda talks like Eugene in a way. I think the picture for Matthew is pretty close to how I imagine him. Great chemistry between him and his parents and sisters. Almost reminds me of the Barclays.

Connie and Eugene have petty arguments again.

This episode brings back old times in a way. A kid does something wrong and Whit is there to advise.

It's interesting that Connie is hesitant to share her experience in the Inspiration Station. She's worrying me. What is going on in there? She seems different too. All her pet peeves don't bother her as much anymore. She's being considered as the "new Connie." Concerned about her addiction for it though. Also her agitation when she finds out it's fixed but isn't told is worrying.  Then  she sneaks into Whits End! Aaaaah! What will happen next? I can't wait for the next part.

Overall I think this episode is pretty good. I give it a 4/5.  

Hear are some other sites that you can check out for reviews and feedback.
The Odyssey Times
The Unofficial Adventures in Odyssey Podcast
AIO Insanity
The AIO fan's Life

In other news,  Original Joe of the Odyssey Way has uncovered some interesting comments pertaining to album 52's title,  that were placed on Odyssey Scoop. He has some theories as to what the next album title could be. Check it out on his blog Odyssey Way.

I think that's all for now, this is Freddy Jay saying "What will happen next? I can't wait!"
The Odyssey Times


  1. FreddyJay, the new theme was in there. If you listen carefully you can hear the new theme song. Also, they played it at the end.

  2. Oh yeah, I didn't catch it. Thanks for the heads up.
