Friday, August 3, 2012

Album 56 Summaries!

The sumarries have been posted! If you haven't seen them yet, here they are!

The Perfect Church, Parts I and II: After Matthew sees the problems and conflicts at his own church, Whit sends him on an Imagination Station adventure to witness the very first church in the book of Acts.

Great Expectations: As Emily pursues her hopes and dreams, she journeys in the Imagination Station to see Whit as a young boy.

For Three Dollars More: When Barrett questions the value of tithing, Matthew, Connie, and Whit send him on trips in the Room of Consequence to see the results of his actions.

The Bible Network: Kids' Radio plays out the value of reading Scripture in three acts - a game show called "Who's the Real Sheep," a crime drama "BSI: Bible Study Investigation," and an intensive training regime called "Bible Boot Camp."

Happy Hunting: Penny Wise embarks on a frantic search to find happiness, but in the process she makes everyone around her miserable.

The Holy Hoopster: Ryan Cummings makes a series of seemingly miraculous last-second shots for his basketball team which makes him a celebrity - both for the hoops and for acknowledging Jesus.

The Lost Riddle:Emily and Matthew discover a series of riddles from decades past stuck in the corner of her locker.

Groundhog Jay:After Jay pushes Priscilla into an unexpected trip in the Room of Consequence, the two of them experience the same event over and over again.

Home Again, Parts I and II: When Jason Whittaker finally returns to Odyssey for peace and quiet, the excitement surrounding his return makes it hard to find either.

I'm lookig forward to the majority of this album. But I'm gonna hold out until I can get the physical copy. I'm especially interested in The Perfect Church 1-2, Great Expectations, The Lost Riddle and Home Again 1-2, and Holy Hoopster.

I believe that's all for today. This has been Freddy Jay, connecting the gap between Odyssey and You!


  1. Yay, you're back!
    I'm excited for The Holy Hoopster (I enjoy basketball, and watching basketball games), The Lost Riddle (sounds mysterious), Groundhog Jay (it's about Jay!! Duh!), and Home Again (JASON!! *woot*)! I'm not that interested in the imagination station episodes, or the kids radio one.

  2. I really think imagination station episodes have potential. I'm especially interested in how they pull off the one with Emily meeting Whit as a young boy.
