Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Odyssey Connection: Hate, More than Just a Word

A bit ago I was watching an episode of Seventh Heaven. That show is amazing. It's a slice of life show that touches on real life lessons just like AIO. Granted some of the lessons are for a more mature audience. In this particular episode, the Camdens learned about hate. Ruthy learned that parents sometimes do things kids don't understand or like, but hate is a strong word that shouldn't be thrown around. Lucy and Mary hated a girl for no reason, and due to this caused problems between the girl and Matt. They all learned how troublesome hate is, and that love is a more appropriate action.

After watching this episode it made me think of the episode; The Greatest of These. Robyn learns a lesson about loving unconditionally.
Which isn't an easy thing to learn. She was getting frustrated with Oscar because he wasn't as smart as some as the other kids. In fact, she looked down on him because it seemed like he was always making stupid mistakes. But it turned out he had dyslexia. And she learns about God's unconditional love and how important it is to show that same love to others even if it may be really hard to do sometimes. 

Imagine for a moment how awful it makes you feel when people treat you in a hateful manner. A good rule of thumb that I follow is the golden rule; Do to others as you would want them to do to you. But it's much more than that. God doesn't want us to hate anyone. You don't have to like what they do, but never hate. John 15:12 says; My command is this; Love each other as I have loved you.  This is something I try hard to practice in everyday life.

One last thing, if you haven't noticed I renamed the links and extras page to the exploration station. Also, the Life in Odyssey page will be updated with more characters as I do more "Deeper Looks." Which kind of article do you like the most? Deeper Looks? Head 2 Head? Odyssey Connections? Let me know, I love your feedback.

This has been Freddy Jay, connecting the gap between Odyssey and YOU!


  1. That was amazing, Jason. The illustration and Calvin & Hobbes portrait really set the tone. I love all of the three choices of posts, and I can't wait for more. Keep connecting the gap!

  2. Interesting perspective Mr. "Jay". However, it's sounds good and all, but love isn't all it's made out to be. You get along with some people, and others you don't. Like say, the people who are out to get me. How can I love them? Like I said, it sounds good and all, but sometimes it's easier said than done.
