5/5 = Fantastic episode
4/5-4.5/5 = Good episode
3/5-3.5/5 = Average episode
2/5-2.5/5 = Prefer others
1/5 = Poorly done
Album 56: The Grand Design
- The Perfect Church, Part 1
- The Perfect Church, part 2
- Great Expectations
- For Three Dollar More
- The Bible Network
- The Lost Riddle
- Groundhog Jay
- Home Again, Part 1
- Home Again, Part 2
- Push the Red Button
Album 55: The Deep End (Averaged Rating- 4.05)
- The Labyrinth, Part 1
- The Labyrinth, Part 2
- The Labyrinth, Part 3
- To Mend or Repair
- Mistaken for Good
- Sergeant York 1-4
- Child's Play
- Something Old, Something New, Part 1
- Something Old, Something New, Part 2
Album 54: Clanging Cymbals and the Meaning of God's Love (Averaged rating 3.7)
- Wooton Knows Best
- A Penny Saved
- The Amazing Loser
- Anger Mismanagement
- Forgiving... More or Less
- You're Two Kind
- A Penny Earned
- Never for Nothing
- Emily the Genius
- How to Sink a Sub
- Unbecoming Jay
- Childish Things
Album 53: The Green Ring Conspiracy (Averaged Rating 5/5)
- The Mystery of the Clock Tower Parts I, and II
- Wooton's Broken Pencil Show
- Stage Fright
- Fast as I Can
- Opposite Day
- The Owlnapping
- Square One
- A Thankstaking Story
- An Agreeable Nanny
- The Malted Milkball Falcon
- Grandmas Christmas Visit
Album 51 Take it From the Top (Averaged rating = 4/5)
- Inspiration Station Part I
- Inspiration Station Part II
- Clutter
- Game For a Mystery
- Target of the Week
- For the Birds
- When You're Right, You're Right
- Grandma's Visit
- Finish What You.....
- The Jubilee Singers I, II, and III
Album 50 The Best Small Town